Good luck with your move to the UK, Oliie. Look forward to hearing/reading more, once you’re settled.

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Thank you so much, Wendy. X

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Ollie, It's been deep and rewarding experience to see your writing flourish with imagistic work that has been a marvel. And having virtually known you for many years, I have admired your deep devotion to your mother, your return to Brazil to care for her and now the move to the UK. I have your email and will send you my address in case you have a stopover in Los Angeles. Do stay stop by if able.

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Bom retorno! Esperamos que você consiga postar novos textos em breve. Sempre bom lê-los. Sempre bom retornar a Londres. Dê um abraço especial na Charing Cross Road e no que restou de seus sebos. Abraço.

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Thanks, Ollie. Safe flight, safe landing and have some fun! We'll all be here when you switch a computer back on.

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I'll miss your stuff, but wishing you best of luck! (no going back and working my way through your archives. I didn't realize there were other sections!)

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Hope the move goes well, Ollie. You're a braver man that I moving to London.

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